Speed Of Light | Iron Maiden | Supertesti.it

Speed Of Light

Testo Speed Of Light

Another time another place
a hollow universe in space
I took a trip to see the sights
I will be blacker than the night

One way ticket, no return
My shootin‘ star so fast it burns
on the edge that we can‘t see

Let‘s shoot the moon, you and me
I‘m not particular you see
Just a lonesome galaxy

Shadows in the stars
We will not return
Humanity won‘t save us
At the speed of light

Shadows in the stars
We will not return
Humanity won‘t save us
We‘re slipping through the night

I‘ll say a mass for you and wave
Shooting plasma from my grave

Event horizon lost in space
Running in a human race

I don‘t know where I don‘t know when
But somehow back in time again
I‘m on the edge you can‘t see

I‘m not particular at night
A single particle of me
You won‘t be tracking me by sight

Shadows in the stars
We will not return
Humanity won‘t save us
At the speed of light

Shadows in the stars
We will not return
Humanity won‘t save us
We slip into the night

Shadows in the stars
We will not return
Humanity won‘t save us
At the speed of light

Shadows in the stars
We will not return
Humanity won‘t save us
At the speed of light

Shadows in the stars
We will not return
Humanity won‘t save us
At the speed of light

Shadows in the stars
We will not return
Humanity won‘t save us
At the speed of light

We‘re slipping through the night

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